Information overload is a way of life for all of us. Connecting information from fragmented sources and creating clarity around their meaning is crucial to generating Ah-Ha moments. What is an Ah-Ha moment? It’s when you get breakthrough clarity about an issue or problem that has vexed you for as long as you can remember. An Ah-Ha moment allows you to visualize the decision you need to make about a problem that you’ve struggled to figure out how to understand.

We clarify the evolving healthcare landscape. Help healthcare organizations understand new care delivery models.
We create transparency about access and coverage. Make reimbursement information accessible and easy-to-understand.
We simplify population health. Get healthcare suppliers on the same page and bend the cost curve.
Being a Maven
We need more Ah-Ha moments about the issues and problems that impact the efficiency of how healthcare is produced and delivered. The mavens are the ones who can create these moments for healthcare companies like pharmaceutical manufacturers, health insurers, health technology providers, and other suppliers of healthcare that are trying to understand where to invest resources to improve the delivery of healthcare. We stay grounded and focused on creating these Ah-Ha moments for our healthcare clients because we believe that a better healthcare system leads to a better society.
The Problem
Healthcare transparency is important to us. Unfortunately, the problem with the current healthcare system is that it is not very transparent. There is not a list long enough to accommodate all the areas in which lack of transparency exists. And the transparency problem isn’t just confined to a lack of visible and readily accessible knowledge; it’s also a function of an overwhelming amount of information that is difficult to organize in an understandable way. That’s where we come in: we create order out of this chaos in three distinct ways: CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY, and SIMPLICITY. Our core belief is that when we build apps that achieve these objectives, we move the healthcare system towards the transparency necessary to achieve the TRIPLE AIM of lower costs, better outcomes, and greater patient satisfaction. There is a treasure trove of Ah-Ha moments waiting to happen within the healthcare system and we intend to produce a few of those moments with our cutting edge knowledge management apps.

The Solution
Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence are the FUTURE. Building apps that leverage these advances can accelerate knowledge acquisition, knowledge management, and knowledge transfer. That’s pretty neat and that’s what we’re doing.
Transforming Healthcare
Sadly, the healthcare industry is probably a leader in poor resource allocation decisions. But if we can get this data part right, we believe we can help some important people “get out of the weeds” and into the right perspective so they can identify, develop, and distribute healthcare products and services that make a substantive impact. This is what transforming healthcare looks like. Better information and better decision-making will save lives. We want to be connected to that!
Transforming Healthcare
Sadly, the healthcare industry is probably a leader in poor resource allocation decisions.
But if we can get this data part right, we believe we can help some important people “get out of the weeds” and into the right perspective so they can identify, develop, and distribute healthcare products and services that make a substantive impact. This is what transforming healthcare looks like.
Better information and better decision-making will save lives. We want to be connected to that!
Let us do the heavy lifting!
We connect the dots across the Healthcare Ecosystem from lots of different sources to make your job easier for you, the healthcare decision-maker. You already have enough to worry about. We want you to think about solutions to big problems, not about how to find data to answer questions.